Gifts, Donations and Memorials
TCPL welcomes gifts of new and used books, audio recordings, videos, and similar materials. Items may be added to the collection in accordance with the selection policy of the library. Once donated, items become the property of the Trimble County Public Library System, and may be given to other libraries or organizations, sold, traded, or discarded if they are not added to the collection. Donated items will not be returned to the donor and the library will not accept any item that is not an outright gift. The library will acknowledge receipt of donated items but is unable to set fair market or appraisal values. If items are being donated to obtain a tax benefit, it is the donor’s responsibility to establish fair market value or obtain expert assistance in establishing any value. The library reserves the right to withdraw gifts from the collection on the same basis as purchased materials.
Monetary gifts, bequests, and memorial or honorary contributions are welcome. Funds donated will be used to purchase items in accordance with the selection policy of the library. These gifts of cash will be accepted as long as they are freely given to the library without limiting considerations. While it is acceptable to designate that monetary gifts be spent for specific needs (such as children’s books, programming for older adults, etc.) it is impractical for the library to accept gifts that will create additional expenses (such as providing an opposite point of view to maintain a balanced collection, increasing liability insurance to cover situations created by the gift, etc.). Acknowledgments of memorial donations will be sent to the family of the deceased and to the donor. Suggestions for subject areas or other areas of interest are welcome and will be followed to the extent possible.
Monetary gifts, bequests, and memorial or honorary contributions are welcome. Funds donated will be used to purchase items in accordance with the selection policy of the library. These gifts of cash will be accepted as long as they are freely given to the library without limiting considerations. While it is acceptable to designate that monetary gifts be spent for specific needs (such as children’s books, programming for older adults, etc.) it is impractical for the library to accept gifts that will create additional expenses (such as providing an opposite point of view to maintain a balanced collection, increasing liability insurance to cover situations created by the gift, etc.). Acknowledgments of memorial donations will be sent to the family of the deceased and to the donor. Suggestions for subject areas or other areas of interest are welcome and will be followed to the extent possible.